
智慧手环 2

智慧手环 2

智慧手环 2 1.0.8

  • 版  本:1.0.8
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 软件大小:25.7 M
  • 软件语言:中文
  • 应用平台:ios
  • 更新时间:2017-08-07
安全无毒 无插件
智慧手环 2
"Smart Wristband 2" APP is an application which can syncs Smart band data to iPhone and network. This gives user real-time access to sport stats on the Smart band dashboard throughout the day. "Smart Wristband" APP tracks user sleep time, help to improve your sleep quality. Share and Compete with friends.Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.This app may use your location even when it isn’t open, which can decrease device battery life
智慧手环 2下载地址
  • 置顶 51网友 17-04-23 13:24:17
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  • 置顶 51网友 16-09-04 14:52:04
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  • 置顶 51网友 16-04-23 17:08:15
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  • 9楼 51网友 16-08-23 22:56:11
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  • 10楼 51网友 16-09-10 19:34:47
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